
The swim takes place in the calm waters of the VOA lake. Swimmers will enter the water from the dock located close to the park gazebo


The bike course features some rolling hills with car traffic kept at a minimum. The Sprint athletes will complete one loop of the course and the Olympic athletes will do two loops.


The run will feature a one loop (3.1m) course for the Sprint triathlon and a two loop (6.2m) course for the Olympic triathlon. The run will all be contained within the VOA Park.There is one ride station on the outer back that will provide water and nutritions (See Race for who is Providing Nutrition)

Duathlon Routes

Start for both Duathlon races is at the Swim Exit running clockwise around the northern side of the lake.  It is the responsibility of each runner to know the assigned route.   Duathletes running the Olympic will need to watch for runners exiting the swim.  There will be a coned off lane for the Olympic duathlon.


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